


来源:广州智美教育培训中心 发布时间:2016/9/7 8:53:30




TPO 32 Lecture 2考到了橡树oak tree。橡树是世界上较大的开花植物,生命期很长,果实是鼠类的食物,橡树是美国的国树。这篇文章中提到了食物链关系,考到了老鼠、蛾子、橡树以及橡树叶子的关系。

TPO 27 Lecture 1考到了红树mangrove。红树一般生长在沿海的岸边,泥土松软的潮肩带,这些地方的基层不怎么稳定,盐分比较高。红树的根起呼吸作用,并能使它在被水淹没的情况下都能生存,被称为“植物海水淡化器”。这篇文章主要讲了红树的根能够分解污染物,从而保护珊瑚的生长环境。

TPO 25 Lecture 1考到了榧树Florida Torrey。榧树属于乔木类植物,榧树的种子有很大的药用价值,能够驱蚊虫。


Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light, energy, normally from the sun, into chemical energy that can be used to fuel the organism’s activities.

不论对于植物还是人类乃至整个地球来说,光和作用都是非常重要的过程。简单来说,光和作用就是绿色植物利用光能将其所吸收的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)和水转化为有机物(organics), 并释放出氧气(oxygen)的过程。存在于叶子中的叶绿素(chlorophyll)和一些酶(enzyme)在光合作用中起到了举足轻重的作用。在这个过程中,植物为人类消耗了生产、生活中所排放的二氧化碳气体,也就是通常意义上的温室气体。植物释放的氧气是人类生存必不可少的。同时,植物生产储存的有机物又为动物提供了能量来源,因此植物被称为食物链(food 


真题体现:TPO 43 Lecture 1 Botany

Leaves get their green color from chlorophyll, the chemical that’s responsible for photosynthesis. The chlorophyll in the leaves collect energy from the sun in the form of sunlight and it converts this energy into sugar which is food for plant. It’s chlorophyll that makes leaves green most of the time.




真题体现:TPO 34 Lecture 3 Environmental Science

Now, there’s a flower in the Amazon rainforest called a royal water lily and the characteristics of its flowers change during the pollination process. The royal water lily uses color,temperature and scent to attract the beetles that pollinate it. When the flowers of the water lily first open up, when they first bloom, they are white. They also emit a strong odor and their temperature rises. Producing heat serves two purposes. It magnifies the scent of the flower and it helps the beetles maintain their body temperature. When a beetle arrives at the flower, the flower closes around it for about 24 hours so that the beetle becomes covered with pollen. Then when the flower opens, it color changes to red and it cools down. When the beetle flies out, it carries the pollen to a different, heated, white, fragrant flower.


经典加试题中也有一篇有关大王花(Corpse Flower/Rafflesia)的介绍。教授一开始介绍了植物的分类(classification), 提到分类中的种(species), 属(genus), 目(order), 她说植物的分类很难,一些特性比较特殊的植物尤为如此,提出植物的分类不能完全依靠其花的形态和特性。教授举例讲到大王花,开花时会散发腐臭的味道,以吸引蝇类传播花粉。



真题体现:TPO 41 Lecture 1 Environmental Science

Succulent plants have a spread-out and shallow root system that they can quickly pull in water from the top inches of soil.

      Succulent plants can store water in their leaves, in their stems, or in their roots. Most succulent plants have a waxy layer that makes them almost waterproof when their stomates are closed. They also preserve water by minimizing their surface area.


这种考点大多数都是考专有名词的定义题,也就是会以文字图片的形式显示在电脑屏幕上。作为一种考点信号,一定要注意这种图片后对于这种植物的特点的描述。在这篇文章中老师讲了succulent plant的三种特点,一是根部比较浅,二是用叶子来储水,三是用减少表面积的形式来保存水分。

2. What are two features of succulent plants that help them survive in deserts?

Click on 2 answers.

A. Succulent plants store water in their leaves and stems.

B. Succulent plants become dormant until the next rainfall.

C. Succulent plants have short stems.

D. Succulent plants have few leaves.



人类活动(human activity)影响环境,导致土壤中营养元素的失衡减少,以至于影响到植物的生长,常见的土壤中有营养价值的元素有氮(nitrogen), 磷(phosphorus), 钾(potassium)。但是值得注意的是,人类活动的影响其实也有好的一面,能够使很多植物获取变相的肥料,使水中的植物和浮游生物长得越来越茂盛,从而为各种生物提供很多食物。另外,人类还会以建造房屋,种植农作物,发展畜牧业以及捕鱼等不同的形式影响着整个生态系统。

真题体现:TPO 31 Lecture 3 Marine Biology

Another hypothesized human-related cause is fertilizer runoff. People use fertilizer for their crops and plants and a lot of it eventually makes its way from land into the seas. It’s fertilizer, so it has a lot of nutrients. These nutrients have an effect on the starfish, because they cause an increase in the growth of phytoplankton. Phytoplanktons are microscopic plants that grow in the ocean. Larval Cot starfish eat phytoplankton in their first month of life, so more fertilizer in the ocean means more phytoplankton, which means more starfish.


在惯性思维的情况下,人类活动在大多数考生的预想中都是消极负面的,会对动植物以及生态环境造成很多不好的影响。然而TPO 34 Lecture 3中出现了这样一段话:

Agriculture is generally believed to be the most harmful. It can fragment habits in a variety of ways, reducing the number of pollinators, which in turn may reduce the number of size of the flowers, which of course affects the animals that feed on them.

On the other hand, recent studies have shown that the disruption of one aspect of the pollination cycle doesn’t usually lead to the extinction of other species. It turns out that plant-pollinator relationships are more adaptable to change than we thought. So really it is hard to know just how agriculture affects the pollination of plants.


11. What is the professor’s opinion about the effect of agriculture on pollination ecology?

A. She fears the effect may be more widespread than previously believed.

B. She believes the effect will ultimately prove to be beneficial.

C. She thinks the harmfulness of agriculture may be overstated.

D. She is surprised there is so little research on the subject.

这道题目属于态度题,态度题较有效直接的解题方法是要确定professor的态度倾向,认为这个东西是有利的,还是消极否定的,或者说是中立的态度。文章中对于农业的态度并不是消极负面的,所以答案应该选择D选项。另外,态度题也可以找一些表达主观感情色彩的连接词组,比如I mean, I think, in my opinion, 或者找一些有态度情感色彩的形容词,比如interesting, amazing, incredible, controversial等。


植物有很多实际的运用,大多数还是围绕着植物的属性和功能来说,比如TPO 2 Lecture 2讲到了hemp(大麻),这种植物由于具有韧性、延展性以及抵御海水的盐度等特点,使得马尼拉麻纤维成为制造马尼拉麻绳索的好材料,特别是对于将用于远洋船舶的绳索。


TPO 42 Lecture 3 Environment Science

Mushrooms can absorb large quantities of heavy metals. In fact, they may contain up to two and a half times the concentration of toxic metals found in the soil they grow in. so mushrooms, at least what we see above ground… we can potentially harvest them and then once for all safely dispose of the pollutants contained within them.




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